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What you should know about investing global stocks in Nanovest
Frequently Asked Questions
All United States stock transactions are conducted through our partner brokers in the United States, who are members of FINRA/SIPC. Through SIPC, your investment value is protected by insurance up to $500,000.
There are several reasons why we believe you should use Nanovest :
From the product side:
We offer real shares, not CFDs. The shares you buy at Nanovest are registered in your own name. You can buy it starting from IDR 5,000 only.
From Fees side:
We implement a transaction fee-free system, be it buying, selling, administration, custodian, inactivity, or dividends. There is a small fee from the United States government for sales transactions, but it is a legal fee that is applied and remitted directly to the US government. This fee is mandatory and is payable by all brokers & all investors for US stocks. Learn more here.
Currently, there are more than 2,000 US shares available on Nanovest. This number will continue to increase over time. The shares available on Nanovest are shares that are traded on various stock exchanges in the United States (NASDAQ, NYSE, BATS, etc.). What’s even cooler, all the shares available can of course be purchased in small denominations. Look directly in the Nanovest app for a complete list of stocks available on Nanovest.
We implement a zero commission system: free of transaction fees, be it buying, selling, administration, custodian, inactivity, or dividends.
There is a small fee from the United States government for sales transactions, but it is a legal fee that is applied and remitted directly to the United States government. This fee is mandatory and is payable by all brokers & all investors for United States stocks. Learn more here
You will be able to start investing as soon as you complete the KYC process and your KYC is accepted. For KYC, you only need to prepare your KTP and do all KYC processes online in ~1 minute!
It’s Easy to Invest Stocks and Crypto Assets on Nanovest.
Nanovest is a digital asset marketplace that gives you access to invest in United States (US) stocks, trade cryptocurrencies, and send/receive payments between Nanovest accounts. In its journey, Nanovest is
supported by a number of professional partners who have a good reputation in providing their services, one of which is supported by S-Quantum Engine technology by Sinar Mas Financial Services.
Nanovest offers the convenience of investing in US stocks and crypto assets starting only from IDR 5,000 at any time and without transaction fees, this means that every transaction be it buying, selling,
withdrawing funds, dividend income and other transactions will not be burdened by administrative fees. This is in-line with the motto, “Grow Your Wealth, Your Own Way”, where Nanovest’s ambition is to provide
an easy, safe and enjoyable investment platform for Indonesian investors. To do this, you need to verify your personal data or commonly known as Know Your Customer (KYC) which can be done in just 1 minute,
including by entering your full name according to your ID card, photo of your ID card, and residential address.
Transactions in 2,000+ US Stocks & Crypto Assets Easily and Securely
Nanovest is a digital platform where you can invest in US stocks and crypto assets complete with real time market charts, curated categories, weekly stock & crypto updates. This can help you in analyzing
to choose which stocks and digital assets are the most appropriate to invest in. Not only that, the presence of Nanovest makes the online shopping experience of its users easier, safer and more efficient.
There is a balance wallet that you can refill easily through instant top-up methods, such as virtual accounts at Bank Sinarmas, BCA, BRI, BNI, Permata and through other popular digital wallets, namely OVO,
DANA, and Shopee. From the balance wallet on Nanovest, you can buy digital assets or US stocks. Bitcoin, Cardano, Chainlink, Uniswap, Litecoin, Ethereum or US stock, from Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Google,
Spotify, Tesla, Netflix and many others.
Starting from Bitcoin as one of the most famous crypto assets in the world, its prestige has also increased rapidly in Indonesia. Many investors from various backgrounds, ranging from beginners to experienced
ones are interested in making it an investment asset for the future. Since 2013, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) is still quite affordable to buy because it is only around Rp. 1.3 million. But, now the price of
Bitcoin has reached more than Rp. 200 million which is certainly not as cheap as it used to be. However, this is strong evidence that Bitcoin and other crypto assets can be an investment instrument that
promises high returns. So that Indonesians can have the opportunity to invest in crypto assets, Nanovest provides features that allow anyone to invest at very affordable prices, starting from IDR 5,000 and
multiples thereof.
In addition to crypto assets such as Bitcoin, there are also US stock assets from various industrial sectors, such as Apple (AAPL), a multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California,
that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. Investing in foreign stocks indirectly helps you hedge your US dollar-denominated assets against exchange rate
fluctuations. Hedging itself means hedging as an effort to reduce the risk of declining asset values. Why investment in the US stock market can do hedging? Because the US dollar is one of the strongest
currencies in the world. In fact, the US dollar is the currency used for 40 percent of transactions in the world.
Personal data and all transactions that you have or will make at Nanovest are protected by Nanovest’s privacy policy, so you don’t have to worry about your data falling into irresponsible parties and/or being
misused. Because of these factors, Nanovest is an easy and safe digital asset investment solution. As a very trusted investment platform/application with 2,000+ global assets in Indonesia, Nanovest is one of
the platforms with many enthusiasts of various ages in society. Currently Nanovest has 2 million+ members from various cities, both inside and outside Jabodetabek. The protection of privacy policies and ease
of investment have made the number of transactions on Nanovest reach hundreds of millions per day. The percentage of members on this platform is dominated by 80% male members and 20% female members.
Try Interesting Features and Takes Promos Only at Nanovest
At Nanovest you don’t have to worry about doing analysis, because Nanovest provides data that you can use as a matrix in analyzing, such as market capitalization, namely the value of the company based on the
current market price (market cap) and the ratio used to assess stock prices based on the company’s ability to obtain net profit (price earning ratio).
Not only that, you can also take advantage of the features of analyst ratings, price predictions and latest news which are clearly provided in the Android and iOS apps. Analyst appraisal is a collection of
analysts who research financial reports, attend conferences and discuss with managers and consumers. Based on this research, the analyst makes an assessment of the company and it can be a personal view of the
research carried out by the analyst although in the future this price may differ depending on the market situation. While price predictions are personal views of research conducted by analysts based on what
has been found in valuing company shares. While news is provided so that you get insight and the latest news related to American stocks and crypto assets taken from various trusted online news media sources
in the world, such as MarketWatch, The Motley Fool, Benzinga and Blockchain Media.
If you want to get passive income from your crypto asset portfolio, you can also take advantage of the staking feature. This staking feature means the process of locking crypto assets in the wallet for a
certain period of time with the aim of making profits, especially Nanobyte (NBT) crypto assets. Simply by purchasing a minimum of 15 NBT and entering the staking feature, you will get additional income
without having to worry about price fluctuations that are happening. Staking periods that can be selected include 730 days, 180 days, 365 days. It is suitable for defensive investors who prioritize long-term
investment returns.
It doesn’t stop there, for bounty hunter traders and investors, Nanovest also provides various attractive promos and programs every day with prizes of more than 25 billion you know! Starting from the referral
program, which is a program that allows you to get wallet balances and crypto assets for free just by referring the Nanovest application to your friends. Until the Trading Competition, a special program is
intended for traders who are active in Nanovest for several weeks. So, apart from being able to earn from their portfolio assets, you can also earn from the programs that Nanovest offers on a daily basis.
What are you waiting for? Hurry up and download the Nanovest application on the Play Store and
App Store.