Investing for Everyone
US Stocks
Trusted by million people for both long-term and short-term investments
One App, $ Billion Possibilities
From high-risk, high-return to low-risk, low-return, we have it all.
Comprehensive features for
the conservative investor
Crypto Wallet
Deposit & withdraw your crypto assets to and from other crypto wallets, making things even easier, right?
- Seamless integration
- Just a few taps for transactions
- Borderless crypto transactions
- 100% #SafeWithNano
Free Transfer Digital Asset
Send digital balance for free to anyone in Indonesia. Recipients don't need to be registered on the Nanovest app
- Free to send and receive digital assets
- Just a few clicks away
- Transfer anytime, to anyone
- 100% #SafeWithNano
Why invest
with Nanovest?
0% commission fees
No commission charged on any buy or sell asset transactions.
Registered and regulated
Nanovest is registered and supervised by BAPPEPTI, with your assets insured by Sinarmas Insurance.
Start with just IDR 5,000
Invest in US stocks, crypto assets, and digital gold with a minimal initial investment of just IDR 5,000.
Abundant rewards
From NBT staking and referrals to locked staking, we offer various programs with high return percentages.
1-minute KYC verification
No need to wait for days. Our KYC process is 100% digital and verified in just 1 minute!
0% commission fees
No commission charged on any buy or sell asset transactions.
Registered and regulated
Nanovest is registered and supervised by BAPPEPTI, with your assets insured by Sinarmas Insurance.
Start with just IDR 5,000
Invest in US stocks, crypto assets, and digital gold with a minimal initial investment of just IDR 5,000.
Abundant rewards
From NBT staking and referrals to locked staking, we offer various programs with high return percentages.
1-minute KYC verification
No need to wait for days. Our KYC process is 100% digital and verified in just 1 minute!
Latest articles and news updates
A collection of the most updated and reliable weekly news on crypto assets and the US stock market.
Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs)
Nanovest is a digital asset marketplace that grants you access to foreign stock transactions, crypto transactions, digital gold, and the ability to send or receive payments between Nanovest accounts. We aim to provide an easy and enjoyable access to the latest digital financial products for you!
Currently, we offer two apps available for download on the Google Play Store and the App Store!
With these apps, you can access your Nanovest account and enjoy its features. Simply type our app name in the search bar when you open the Google Play Store or App Store, and you can download the app for free.
The comfort and security of your assets are our top priority. Every investment product available on Nanovest is legally permitted and registered in accordance with applicable regulations through our partners.
Your funds are kept separate from those owned by Nanovest. To ensure that we never misuse your funds, we use a custodian bank that holds your money, for both cash and stocks. Our custodian bank for depositing additional funds is Bank Sinarmas, and our partner broker in the United States has a custodial account for the stocks you own.
U.S. regulations prohibit companies like our U.S. broker partner from commingling client funds with company funds. Furthermore, our U.S. broker partner is a member of SIPC, which provides additional protection up to $250,000 in cash and up to $250,000 for securities. This protection is extended to you as a Nanovest user.
By verifying your bank account, we can ensure that the card you use to add funds to your Nanovest account is indeed yours. We recommend all users to verify their accounts to ensure a smooth experience with Nanovest.
To find the 4-digit code used for the verification process, check the SMS OTP or WhatsApp OTP sent to you when you linked your card.